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Username Marina is a Member Since 2016-05-09

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Daily Unique PVs Total PVs Unique In Total In Unique Out Total Out
Average 40.4 96.8 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.5
Today 32 54 0 0 0 0
Yesterday 41 102 0 0 0 0
January 22 42 96 0 0 1 1
January 21 47 106 0 0 0 0
January 20 43 93 0 0 0 0
January 19 37 82 1 1 1 1
January 18 39 84 0 0 0 0
January 17 45 134 0 0 0 0
January 16 43 155 1 1 0 0
January 15 35 62 1 1 3 3
Highest 448 5,722 413 1,289 8 9
Weekly Unique PVs Total PVs Unique In Total In Unique Out Total Out
Average 288.2 761.2 2.6 2.8 5.5 5.7
This Week 205 451 0 0 1 1
Last Week 264 651 4 4 7 7
Week 02 265 571 4 5 6 7
Week 01 288 694 3 3 12 12
Week 52 333 900 7 8 7 7
Week 51 270 590 0 0 2 2
Week 50 312 876 2 2 4 4
Week 49 310 765 4 4 6 6
Week 48 317 1,034 2 2 7 8
Week 47 318 1,080 0 0 3 3
Highest 2,853 7,020 2,395 5,608 29 30
Monthly Unique PVs Total PVs Unique In Total In Unique Out Total Out
Average 2,287.4 5,982.4 13.6 14.3 25.8 28.1
This Month 941 2,138 10 11 23 24
Last Month 1,350 3,475 14 15 22 22
November 24 1,526 4,915 9 9 25 26
October 24 1,330 3,674 14 14 31 37
September 24 1,736 4,632 9 9 31 32
August 24 3,006 8,269 20 20 30 31
July 24 2,813 6,606 20 21 19 21
June 24 2,945 6,603 14 14 8 8
May 24 3,218 8,368 15 17 19 22
April 24 4,009 11,144 11 13 50 58
Highest 9,040 17,243 7,164 16,979 92 96
Unique PVs Total PVs Unique In Total In Unique Out Total Out
Overall 351,795 794,670 127,511 267,307 2,698 2,843
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